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Hello, and welcome to Outlook
Outlook is a truly modern email experience, and we're excited for you to check it out.
A modern interface: faster and cleaner
The simple, fluid and interactive design of Outlook makes it easy to use whether you're on a desktop, phone or tablet.
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Get a Outlook email address for your new inbox
You can get a new email address from Outlook. You don't have to worry about your contacts and previous emails, you'll keep them. And, you'll continue receiving messages sent to your Hotmail address.
Get new ID
Bring your inbox to life — Connect Facebook and Twitter
Connect and see your friends' Facebook updates and Tweets directly in your inbox. Your contacts' information is automatically in sync so you don't miss a thing.
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Tell us what you think of Outlook
We want to hear your opinion. Please submit your feedback via the Feedback link under the Options menu.
Thanks for upgrading to Outlook
The Outlook Team


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